Business Data Analyst

About the Role:

Here at Smartech, we are providing pioneering Marketing and Advertisement Technologies for Businesses. Your job as a Business Analyst, will help Smartech get through our business challenges with Data analysis, creativity, intelligence, and agility.


  • Analyze data for making a decision on different subjects such as Sales, Campaign, Operation, Customer Success, Marketing and etc.
  • Design and execute the action plan in order to achieve business OKR.
  • To research, analyze and provide insightful data for the team in order to achieve their targets.
  • Make a good relationship with internal business units throughout the company to ensure business actions progress.
  • Keep records of all information related to the project for documentation, clarification, and presentation to management.
  • Follow up of current projects from different teams and departments.
  • Collecting data related to current works and active projects of the department.
  •  Data analysis and data visualization.
  •  Establish data collection infrastructure to receive real-time reports.
  • Liaising with different units and departments to review data.
  • Providing the necessary solutions to advance the goals of different teams.
  • Plan, schedule, or coordinate project activities to meet deadlines.
  •  Produce and distribute project documents.


  • Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Python and SQL.
  • Excellent software skills and knowledge of MS Office. (Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint)
  • Deep understanding of business analytics.
  • Disciplined time management and ability to work under pressure.
  • Excellent team working.
  • strong communication skills - verbal and written.
  • Problem analysis and problem-solving.
  • Active listening.

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